Incognito Is Getting Closer...

We have been hard at work on upgrading the Brewgr site and offering new features in our first premium tier, Incognito.

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Good morning. For those of you who are American football fans, once again it’s the best time of the year. Sundays will be dominated by the Red Zone channel, chips and dips, and of course plenty of beer to deal with your fantasy team losing week 1.

Happy Fall.

-Brandon Copeland

Brewgr Update: Getting Closer…

Behind the scenes, we have been working with a developer to upgrade Brewgr to be up to date (currently it is stuck back in 2012). This upgrade is necessary before we build all the exciting features on top of it that we have planned. However, the upgrade has taken way longer than expected due to the fact that upgrading so far means essentially recoding all aspects of the website and making sure they still function at the new version.

For months we have been hard at work testing out every little functionality of the site to make sure that the transition to the new site is seamless and hopefully with very few errors. In parallel to this testing, our developer has been working on our first premium tier, Incognito, which will be rolled out at the same time as the website upgrade. If you’re interested in what that will entail, see this post here.

I am hoping that another month or so of rigorous testing + development will bring us to the finish line of stage 1. I’m excited to share this with you, gather feedback, and continue building more tools that will enable homebrewers to brew great beer. You can rest assured you will be the first to know when we have a go live date!

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Beer Trivia Question

🍺 What country has a brewery with a pool of beer that you can swim in?

Read to the end to find out if you're right!

Homebrew Spotlight of the Week


If you’re like me, you have seen ads for these Pinter beer makers everywhere. They will brew 12 beers worth at a time and you have to use their beer kits in order to successfully make the beer. They market themselves essentially as “brewing for dummies” - anyone can use it and “brew their own beer”.

While it could be a gateway into actually brewing beer, I see these units as a marketing tactic to get people to buy the fairly inexpensive unit, but then be locked into buying their overpriced kits anytime you want to brew a 12 pack. If you actually want to brew beer, there is way better equipment you can invest in that will give you full control over you beer.

However, it does make for a good gift to give someone that they will put on the shelf and never use.

Brewgr Recipe of the Week

When the weather starts to develop a chill, I start dreaming of darker beer. A stepping stone to a stout, the porter offers robust flavor often with a more drinkable finish than a stout. This one is particularly interesting because it leverages Cascade hops and comes in around 5.9% abv. A simple yet delicious porter recipe!

Credit: baumdrop

And the Answer Is...

🍺 Austria! Starkenberger Brewery in Tarrenz, Austria has seven 13 foot pools full of warm beer in old fermentation vats that you can swim in with a special reservation. This is supposed to be great for your skin.

If you said Czech Republic, you get bonus points - while they don’t have a swimming pool of beer at a brewery, they have “Beer Spa’s” where you can go and rest in a tub of beer while drinking more beer. My wife and I experienced this in Prague and while it was touristy, we actually loved it.

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Happy Brewing!

- Brandon, Brew Great Beer Team


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